February 23, 2015
Straight hair! |

This week had a lazy start. Since Carnaval here lasts until Tuesday, we had to be inside the house by noon both Monday and Tuesday. So after we wrote on Monday, we went straight to the house and were there alllllll afternoon. We were supposed to clean the entire apartment, and as I had been putting something in the freezer I realized that there was so much frost and ice that I could barely stick the thing in there. I therefore got to work getting as much ice out as I could. We had to unplug the fridge and I had to pick at it with a spoon for about an hour before I could get most of it out. I attached a picture of the ice, using the spoon as a gauge so you can see exactly how much was in that tiny little freezer (it´s just a tiny little compartment in the top of the fridge). I sadly did not take picture before and after, that would have been more impressive. But yeah, so that was the most exciting thing I did that day. Tuesday, we went to the district meeting in the morning and then got to work for two hours and go to lunch, but then it was back to the house. We were all supposed to do weekly planning that day as well, so we did that, but even then we had a lot of time, so I also straightened my hair (since I recently bought a hair straightener...surprise!) and in the evening I made tortillas. They´re getting better. I´m getting excited.

Wednesday we finally could leave! We were so excited, but we weren´t sure what we were going to do with so much time. We kind of didn´t have any investigators, so we weren´t sure what to do. The previous Saturday, we were in the same pickle, so we stopped and said a prayer before continuing. After saying a prayer, we started walking, and Hna. Risco asked me where we were headed, and I just showed her 1 Nephi 4:6 ("And I went guided by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand what I would have to do."). I´m so funny hehe. But yeah, we just kind of kept walking in el centro, and then we got to an intersection and we both just kind of looked at each other and were like "...let´s go to the left". So we did, and we passed the store of an hermana that I thought was a member, because her kids were always in the church. We started talking to her and I found out that she wasn´t a member (apparently my companion already knew) since she isn´t married to the man she´s living with, but neither of us knew that of her twin daughters, one of them wasn´t baptized. So we decided we were going to go talk to her Wednesday. We went and asked her why she hadn´t gotten baptized with her sister or her little brother, and explained some of her questions and stuff, and after a few minutes, she was just like "Yeah, I´ll get baptized" and we were both like "wait...wat. ...CHEVERE" so we invited her to get baptized March 14, which just so happens to be her 12th birthday. We´ve been teaching her every day, and she´s really excited. She´s a little more shy and quiet than her sister, and a lot of elders have passed by to try and teach her in the last couple months, but I think she just needed some hermanas to invite her. That happens sometimes. But we´re really really excited, and very happy.
Delia's Baptism |
Bueno, other than that, we did intercambios (...exchanges? idk missionary english is hard) again this last Friday, but this time I was in the other sector in Loja. It was actually really sunny there. It´s definitely colder in Cuenca, even on Cuenca´s sunny days. But that went really well. I had been planning on making tortillas for the zone meeting Saturday morning, so I had to bring the flour with me to make them there. Our zone leader (who two weeks ago was our district leader here in Catamayo) is from Mexico, and every time he hears that I´m making tortillas he almost cries from sadness if he´s not there, or from joy if we´re making them for him. He´s a cool guy. I think he goes home this week...but we aren´t sure. They never tell anyone the date that they´re going, even if you´re a week away from hitting 18 months or 2 years. It´s a little weird, but that´s how it is here.
Oh I also got two packages this week! One from I think the Activity Day girls from the Foothill Ward, and the other from Erin: she sent me some leftover nut goody!!!!! I was really excited.
I´m so happy that I served a mission. I´ve been able to learn things that I may never have been able to learn just as a normal person doing my things. I think the reason for that is because here you really learn to completely rely on the Lord in everything you do, and you learn to depend on His Spirit to help you. I´m not looking forward to when I can´t feel the Spirit every day like I do here, like how everyone says it´s like when you get home. In two days I hit 15 months, which means I´ll only have 3 months left. My companion just hit 3 months last week (she officially finished her training yesterday, and today there are cambios, so we´ll see if she goes or not), and I think about how fast the time went for her, and it makes me sad. She just finished her first 12 weeks, where I just began my last 12 weeks. Pero cuida´o! Not trunky. Just a little sad, and motivated to work a little bit harder.
Love you all so much!
Hermana Iverson