Sunday, April 27, 2014

Hey I´m back... (Week 22)

April 21, 2014

So this week had some interesting stuff happen.  First of all, this last Wednesday was definitely a milestone in my life: I received my first wedding proposal!...from an old, slightly drunk, probably homeless man.  It was interesting.  He approached my companion and I in the street with some question about life after death, so we tried teaching him.  We sat down on a bench in a park across the street, but he started telling his life story and even started crying about a girl or something and was just like "¡Nadie me entiende!" or whatever, it was a little weird.  He kept talking about how he almost got to go work in the US and all the times he´d showed up to Catholic churches drunk or whatever, but then I started to realize that he was only directing himself to me.  He was turned with his back to my companion, and whenever she tried to talk, he would interrupt her to ask me the same question she was explaining.  All of a sudden he started telling me how "guapa" I was, and I was just like "oh great now he has a crush on me".  He kept asking if I had a boyfriend here in Ecuador and I kept saying "claro que no, pero el EVANGELIO" and finally he was rambling and he just was like "¡Cásese conmigo!  ¡Lléveme a los Estados consigo!" and I was just like whoooooaaaaaa there buddy we are done here I ain´t marrying you, you smell funny.  We tried leaving and when I shook his hand he wouldn´t let my hand go.  I was standing there for like 15 seconds trying to pull my hand out of his grip while he was staring at me all lovey-dovey, it was weird.  I saw him again on Friday and he tried talking to us and I was just like "oh gosh let´s keep walking before he proposes again"

We had stake conference yesterday too, and it was literally one of the best conferences I´ve ever heard.  It was broadcasted to all of Ecuador, and some of the speakers even spoke in Spanish!  Elder Holland spoke, and he started out in Spanish and oh my freaking gosh, it was exactly what I never knew I´d always wanted to hear.  He has the most gringo accent on the planet, it was adorable.  He spoke the rest of his talk in English (with translation), but then at the end he bore his testimony in Spanish again.  His Spanish was awful (okay actually his grammar was fine just his accent was pretty bad) but holy cow, you could feel the Spirit so strongly.  It just bears testimony to me that how well you speak makes no difference--you can still touch the hearts of others with the Spirit.  That was probably my favorite part.  After him spoke Elder Richard G. Scott, all in Spanish (he served his mission in Uruguay, did you know?).  It was such a spiritual meeting.  Oh, and guess who I saw?  A sister from Santa Rosa, who was the wife of the branch president in my branch!  Both my companion and I had been in her branch, so it was so wonderful to see her.  She cried when she said goodbye to her.  I was so so so happy to see her.

This Saturday a 70 from our area is coming to visit and give us training.  I´m really excited, because the missionaries from Naranjal are coming to Cuenca for his visit, so that means I´m going to see Hermana Herrera (my trainer) again!!!!  I´m literally so excited, I haven´t seen her in over two months.

One last thing before I finish: One thing that one of the speakers said yesterday is that we should pay attention to the details of the gospel, including saying family prayers, reading the scriptures as a family, and having weekly family home evening.  Make it a habit now to do these things with your families.  Help them forge these habits before they´re out on their own.  These things are so important, and if you do these things now they´ll see how important it is and you´ll have promised blessings from the Lord.  You´ll all see the difference.  Do them, I´m dead serious.

I love you all a lot and can´t wait to hear from you next week!

Hermana Iverson

p.s. I put my hair in a ponytail today!!! I may have like 7 bobby pins holding in my hair, but whatever

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