Friday, April 24, 2015

A bullet-list for Mom and Dad

September 29, 2014

I´m gonna bullet-list it, because I´m short on time:

  • my camera/memory cards are going nutzo--last week, the one I was using locked up the photos in a private file and I don´t know how to change it back, and this week after taking a bunch of photos of a really cool baptism IN A RIVER, the card decided it had a virus or something and now won´t open period.  We really really really need those photos.  Gahhhhhhh.
  • in other news, we had a baptism in a river!  It was like a last minute thing, because she almost got baptized two weeks ago with the elders, but we passed by on Thursday and asked why she didn´t get baptized, and we talked to her for a while, and she agreed to get baptized that Saturday, two days later.  It was a really neat experience.  I´m excited for her (her name is Genesis).
  • there was also a District Youth Conference (they aren´t big enough to be a Stake) on Saturday, so I ended up seeing a lot of the youth from Rama 1, with whom we were really good friends with, and it was soooooo nice to see them.  The young women were all really excited to see me, and I saw some of the other members that we were really close with.  I was sooooo happy to see all of them. :)
  • What are the report dates for Jonathan Sevy and Jacob (primo)?  I want to mark them on my little calendar.
  • This is for both you and Dad: What is your testimony of keeping the Sabbath Day?  What testimony do you have of the blessings you´ve received from keeping it?
  • last night we had a family home evening, and it ended up being almost all just youth, and we played a game that I taught them that I learned as a kid called "down by the banks" and my conclusion is that it does not matter where you go that game will always be popular
  • tell dad I promise I´ll write him next week, I always get far behind
  • love you

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